About Klassíski listdansskólinn
Klassíski listdansskólinn (KLS) is a professional dance school that emphasis on training the students individuality, allowing them to develop their talent from the beginning, under quality guidance. Klassíski listdansskólinn offers classical ballet, modern dance, contemporary dance and creative dance for students from the age of three.
The school was established by Guðbjörg Astrid Skúladóttir in January 1994. Hrafnhildur Einarsdóttir took over the management of the school in the autumn of 2017, the assistant principal is Ernesto Camilo Aldazabal Valdes and the project manager is Aude Busson.
Klassíski listdansskólinn is recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Education. The school operates according to the National Curriculum Guide approved by the Ministry, which gives the school's students the opportunity to have their studies evaluated as part of their junior college studies.
Klassíski listdansskólinn is located at Álfabakka 14a and Grensásvegur 14. The school works in close collaboration with the dance school Óskandi which is located at Eiðistorg.